Are you using article marketing in growing your ebusiness? Then, you must already know that you need more than 20 articles to outplay your competitors.
If you want more inbound links, more exposure in the online arena, and if you want to drive more qualified traffic to your website, you need to make way to produce at least 50 articles per week.
Here's how you can make that happen: 1.
Determination and enthusiasm.
It's important that you have these 2 elements in your system as these are the keys to get any thing done.
Writing time.
Manage your time wisely and allot at least 3 hours per day in writing your articles.
I suggest that you write when you're relaxed and when you're in the mood.
Writing just before you go to bed isn't really a good idea.
Know how to write your articles in 15 minutes or less.
I know this may sound impossible this time but with constant practice and with access to the right information and training programs, this is something that you can learn and even master over time.
Write every day.
If you think that it's okay to skip your writing task today and just double the number of articles you produce tomorrow, think again.
It's better if you do not procrastinate as this is the only way to make sure that you'll be able to multiply the number of your articles without sacrificing the quality of your content.
Edit later.
Do not waste your precious time by going back and forth each time you commit minor mistakes.
Focus on getting your thoughts and ideas into writing first and edit your content once you're done.
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