While you don't want to bring along a whole truck load of stuff that you'll have to deal with packing and unpacking and carrying around the whole trip, you also don't want to be without something you need while you're on your trip. So what are the necessities to pack for camping?
First, let's talk about clothes. You don't need to bring your whole closet, but you want to be prepared for the weather. Even in the summer, you need to bring a pair of warm socks for sleeping at night because it's hard to know what the weather will be like at night for you, and sleeping in a tent in the cold night can be difficult. Bring some warm clothes, but ones that can easily be converted to ones you can wear hiking on a hot day. Layers are important! So you can bring a sleeveless shirt, and a light sweater that can be thrown over it or tied around your waist/thrown in your bag. You're going to be camping-the biggest most annoying mistake is to bring a bunch of shoes. Flip flops or sandals for the water/getting up in the night and a pair of tennis shoes on your feet are really all you need.
A water purifier is a great thing to have, especially if you're going to be hiking. You don't want to hike up a mountain with a gallon of water on your back, but you're going to need to drink! This way you know you're drinking something safe without the stress.
A decent camping stove will make your life a LOT easier than trying to cook everything over the fire. There are a lot more light and affordable options out there these days, too.
Sleeping arrangements! Do not underestimate the importance of having good sleeping arrangements. Get yourself a decent tent, and a comfortable air mattress. Don't decide "roughing it" means sleeping on rocky ground. Without a good nights sleep you won't be able to enjoy your trip during the day. If your back hurts too much to go for a hike or swim in the lake, then what is really the point of going camping at all?