Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Muscle Mass Tips - How to Build Big Legs

Or perhaps you do squats,yet you can't seem to get the intensity or weight behind it that you really need to build big legs.

In this article I will explain the reasons why legs should be trained "Hard And Heavy". After all;in no other body part is a lack of intense, heavy training more noticeable than in the legs.

So often there are lifters who train for huge arms and a giant chest; yet they forget about training the lower body or they train with much less intensity and/or weight than they need.

The end result is that they cheat themselves from gaining the maximum possible mass and strength gains out of their training program! Besides,who wants a huge upper-body AND scrawny chicken legs? Yet nearly every one of us has seen it, and it looks pretty stupid, huh?

What many do not realize is that when performed properly, squats have a dramatic effect on upper body mass/strength as well as the legs! By placing huge amounts of stress on the body (in this case caused by heavy lifting movement's such as squats or deadlift's),it must make certain "changes" in order to adapt and survive.

In other words the stress of doing intense, heavy movement's such as deadlift's or squats creates an anabolic "priming" action in the body; causing increased production of hormones such as testosterone and growth hormone resulting in much greater overall "total-body" muscle mass and strength increases.

The spill-over effect from intense leg training will help increase strength in upper body exercises as well including presses and rows. Leg training is of the utmost importance and they should be worked HARD and HEAVY.

An example of a beginners or intermediates leg routine could be: Warm-up; then 1)Barbell Squats-2 sets of 5-8 repetitions with heavy weight 2)Leg Extensions-1 set of 5-8 repetitions 3)Stiff Legged Deadlifts-1 set of 5-8 repetitions 4)Standing Barbell Calf Raises-2 sets of 10-12 repetitions 5)Seated Calf Raises-1 set of 5-8 repetitions

This is (of course) just one of several possible variations, but you should be able to get the idea.
Also you want to pay special attention to your rest and meal planning;if you are training really hard and heavy you will want ensure youare eating plenty of quality food's and getting lot's of rest.

Remember; train the legs HARD and HEAVY and ONLY once per week; follow a proper training and nutritional program, you should soon notice HUGE results in your quest for BIG LEGS!


*If you have back problems/injuries or ANY health problems ALWAYS; I REPEAT ALWAY'S, CHECK WITH A DOCTOR FIRST before beginning ANY workout program.I cannot stress this enough because you WILL hurt yourself worse if you do not*

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