When it comes to choosing an internet browser there are two main commonly used ones which give you a range of benefits. Every computer that comes with any version of windows will have Microsoft Internet Explorer already installed which is great for the average user who is just interested in browsing the internet. Many people are beginning to download toolbars to make it easier to perform every day tasks. Many people will just tend to leave Internet Explorer as their default internet browser.
This is why the FireFox became popular amongst everyone who gave them a try, you can download many additional add-on packs which can give you advanced searching, faster results, etc. FireFox is very customizable, you can change the colour of the tabs and everything so you can make it suit your personality. It does have the advantage of better security so you are much safer from viruses and spyware if you use FireFox. I would say that FireFox is for people who like to use the internet on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, if you use the internet very rarely FireFox will still be able to give you benefits over Internet Explorer and the best thing is, it's completely free!
With FireFox becoming very popular people still go back to Internet Explorer as it is very easy to use and has a great interface. You can guarantee that you will be able to find what you want with ease, even if you are new to the internet side of things. If you were to have trouble navigating around a browser you can check out the help files which will be able to explain everything step by step so you can go from complete novice to professional.
Many people actually use a variety of browsers to get the best of both worlds, especially if you are a webmaster as the different browsers interpret the coding in different ways so you could make a website which looks fine in Internet Explorer and if you open it up in FireFox it could potentially look totally different. It can be quite tricky to spot the cross browser errors and even harder to fix them, with knowledge and patience you will be able to sort them out making them look identical to each other. The worst thing you can do it to eliminate valuable traffic simply because your site is not compatible with FireFox.
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