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Capstone Project Examples

Information systems are carried out in a organization with regards to improving the effectiveness and efficiency of their business processes. Capabilities of the information system and features on the organization, its work systems, its people, and its improvement and implementation techniques together figure out the quality to which that goal is achieved. The Office of the Student services aren't going to be efficient and effective in rendering their services if the massive population of Bukidnon State University all together avails them. This research targeted at automating the transaction executed in the aforementioned office.


· Automate the record keeping of the student's data for more ideal business transactions. The OSS-IS offers the following services:

-Inquiries associated to Scholarships;

Disciplinary Procedure and Structure/Offences incurred;
Monitoring the Organizations/Clubs status, as to active/recognized or disabled/not recognized.
Recognize Organizational affiliations of the student
Issuance of Pertinent Documents (Good Moral, Slips, etc) requested by the BSU Administration and the concern student.

· Generate reports based on the OSS's requests.

List of Organizations and its members; officers
List of Scholars in each scholarship program
List of Students who incurred specific type of offense
List of Students with organizational affiliations


The Evaluation Instrument disseminated to the immediate customers and clients of the system offers a resultant mean of 4.44 which implies that they moderately agreed with the researchers claims. The system was able to automate the business transactions of the Office of the Student Services. Reports are efficiently provided based on the user's preffered manner of filtering or setting up the results. Any issue using the configured network with the office is no longer area of the researchers scope of responsibility. Re-configuration of the system could possibly be done although the system's performance is the the goal of this study.


The Office of the Student Services Information System (OSS-IS) managed to automate the business transactions of the Office of the Student Services (OSS). The user's anticipations according to the system's performance in carrying out transactions were met. The normal way of rendering the service were conserved in spite of of the implementation of the automated one thus, gives value to the approach used by the mentioned office which was tested decades ago.

The algorithm was able to find the inputted data's match on the database. Taking the information being given to your various input fields were systematically done hence, reports, certificates and slips was effectively produced.
Simplicity in utilizing the system were also realized thus, encourages the Office Personnel and Staff to use the programmed comportment.


The researchers strongly suggests this Information System to be carried out to the Office of the Student Services of Bukidnon State University since the deployment part backed up together with the link between the assessment instrument generated positive insights and results as to the system's capacity to automate the business processes of the above mentioned office.

The researchers also strongly endorses to the next Softwares Engineers who'll continue to develop this system to add the new business operations of the office since this release already catered the present dealings done in the office.

capstone project

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