Home & Garden Furniture

How to Determine Leather Quality When Buying Furniture

Having new furniture in the home can often be a sign of great happiness and luxury.
Many people strive to have brand new furniture in their homes, and want to make sure that they are receiving the best possible furniture for their purchase.
For those that are interested in buying leather furniture, there are three things when looking at whether or not the leather furniture will make for a good investment.
These three items include the texture of the furniture, the grade of the furniture, as well as the finish that the leather has.
One of the first things that many people will look at when considering making a purchase of leather furniture is to see what the grade of the furniture is like.
This means that the quality of the leather that is used should be up to a certain standard to be considered a certain grade of leather, which ranges from moderate to high end.
Top grain leather is taken from the outer layers of an animal's hide, thus making the leather much more durable and taunt when made into furniture.
This is also important as it will be much harder to diminish the leather with a high grade than those that are lower grade.
It should be noted that all high end leather is made from the top grain, which is why it is more expensive.
Split grain leather is another form of leather that can be used for furniture, which is from the underside of the hide, thus making it much weaker and prone to more cracks in the leather.
Most of the leather that is on a more affordable scale is made from the weaker hides and is dyed in many pigments to give it the impression that is it high end leather.
Many people will also look at the finish of the leather furniture, which often dictates the price of the leather.
For leather furniture that looks as though it has not been distressed in the least bit, the price of the furniture will be much higher.
Sometimes, leather manufacturers will place wrinkles in the leather to make it look as though it is unique and original, although it has weathered heavy processing.
The texture of leather is also important, the texture of the higher end leather is much more pliable that those that are made of cheaper materials.
Furniture that is made of leather such as split grain is also known to be much stiffer, which often fools many consumers, as they believe that this is the higher grain leather.
Determining how leather quality will react to the wear and tear of the day to day use by a family is often the best means of choosing the proper leather furniture that is right for everyone.
With the right assistance of knowing the differences betweengrain, finish, and texture, many people will choose the leather furniture of their dreams that is sure to last a lifetime.

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