Have you ever thought that your bad behavior towards your subordinates at your workplace could be because of a seemingly innocuous decision - the mattress buying one? Could the mattress you sleep on be blamed for your daily behavior at your workplace? Sounds preposterous, doesn't it? Well, in our day to day life, our chain of thoughts does not reach that far to help us build a connection between our mattress and our behavior, nevertheless, this is what happens.
Our choice of mattress ultimately decides how we behave with people around us.
This relationship may look far fetched, but if you read this article till end, you will know how near it is to the truth.
How mattress affects your daily life A mattress is primarily responsible for the quality of sleep you get.
A good sleep could translate into a fresh and rested feeling you get the next day, and a bad sleep could make you feel tired and irritated.
An improper sleep due to a not-so-good mattress may cause back pain, body ache, and restlessness, etc.
, and if someone already has a back pain then sleeping on a bad mattress will aggravated it further.
It is, therefore, necessary for you to choose the right one for you.
What we call a good mattress? A good mattress provides adequate support to your whole body.
It adjusts itself according to your body giving it total support, whatever posture you take and however long you sleep.
A mattress which is too hard or too soft cannot be called a good mattress, as neither of them provides adequate support to your body.
A mattress which is too hard cannot support your whole body because of its inflexibility to take shape according to highs and lows of your body.
It can only support the heavier parts.
And a mattress which is too soft will easily sag prohibiting free movement and posture-making.
This will give you a restless sleep, which means a bad day at work.
How a good mattress makes your day (Health benefit of a good mattress) As discussed above a good mattress supports your whole body, which helps you get a rest.
A proper rest is required to prepare you for the daily challenges.
A good mattress has the capacity to evenly distribute your body weight on the bed, according to your posture.
This helps in your lowering your back pain, and reducing stress.
It also takes proper care of all your body joints.
It helps in fighting arthritis as well.
Conclusion A disturbed and restless sleep can easily ruin your day.
This is one thing we do not realize or consciously think about, when thinking of a bad day.
Researchers have shown that a person needs quality sleep in the night, not just 6 or 8 hours long sleep, to perform better in the daytime.
Your mattress may not be responsible for all your bad behaviors, but some of them could easily be attributed to it.
So, to change the way you carry your day, you need to change the mattress you sleep on.
Given a choice, always go for a mattress which is made of natural hypoallergenic materials.
It can help keep you in top health while improving your overall demeanor.