Documenting the Wildlife of Northern Illinois
From Robert Visconti:
"Within the exception of just a few, the photos shown have all been taken in or near the Lake County, IL area throughout last year. I really enjoy getting out into the field in anticipation of what I might find that could either yield a better photo of an animal I may already have, or one yet to have been seen by me in the wild.
However, once I do find a subject, then come the questions: Do I have enough light and if so, is it coming from a direction that I can work with?
How much depth of field do I want to incorporate with the subject? Will the animal allow me adequate time to set up my tripod for a nice photo? Of course, then there are all the other questions. Most of these questions are already answered prior to me finding a subject, as the time of day and type of animal will usually dictate what I can/ should do.
I learned a lot last year, and I am hoping to apply this new knowledge to the '07 seasons (winter-fall). I intend to return to a majority of these same places as well as expanding out west towards Jo Daviess County where I have heard and read about the terrific photo opportunities that can be had."