Having a Will prepared may not seem important to some people. There are seven out of ten Americans who do not have a Will in place currently. It may simply be because many believe they are too young to think about preparing a will. Actually, some people do not think it is important to have a will prepared until they are 60 years of age or older. It is something that should be at least considered as soon as you enter adulthood. It is more than important to have a will prepared. It should be priority.
There are so many reasons to have your will prepared. One of the most important reasons is your children. If you pass away unexpectedly and do not have a will in place, the state you live in will go according to the will they have in place for you believe it or not. Yes it is true. Your state has a will for you already in place. I'm sure you wouldn't agree with the decisions the state would make for your children, your property, and any of your other possessions if you're no longer here. You may be thinking there's a simple solution to that problem. Everything will go to your spouse and he or she will take care of the children of course. That may not necessarily be possible. There have been times where both parents were killed in a car accident, for example, and the children instantly became wards of their state.
Just recently, a really sad case occurred where a young woman, still in her 20s, was murdered in her town. She had three young children and the father was nowhere to be found. Her children were in the custody of the state they lived in for months. These children had grand-parents, aunts, uncles, and god parents who loved them and wanted to take care of them, but they had no rights what so ever when it came to the children. The grand-parents were eventually appointed guardians and given custody, but all of that could have been avoided had a will been in place. If you pass away, no matter whom the next to kin is, they have no rights over your children unless the state gives them rights, or you leave them rights in your will.
What about your valuables? You may be thinking, "what valuables?" If you own something as simple as furniture, silverware, or even clothes, those things alone may be considered valuable to your loved ones if you pass away. It may not seem like much to you now, but it will mean the world to your children, sister, brother, best friend, or whoever you leave behind. Do you really want them fighting over your belongings?
It is sad to say, but there have been so many incidents where siblings would fight because they both wanted dad's bedroom set when he passed. They may have wanted his dishes simply because those are the ones daddy ate from. These are some of the things we do not think about, but they are happening every day. Instead of embracing one another and coming together, family members are not speaking to each other at funerals because they cannot come to an agreement on who gets the jewelry mom left behind.
Obviously having a will prepared is extremely important. No one wants to think about their loved ones going through any of those things after they are gone. Having a will that will actually hold up in court is so important. That is why it is so expensive to have an attorney prepare your will. Because attorneys charge anywhere from $500 to $1500 to prepare a legal will, this is an expense many of us prefer to put off for a later date.
I was able to have my will prepared for next to nothing by an incredible law firm that provides me with all sorts of legal services. Now that I have my will in place, I don't have to worry about my children or my belongings being fought over if I am gone tomorrow. After hearing all the horror stories, it feels great to have peace of mind. You can have your will prepared for less than $40 and have peace of mind too! Go to [http://www.legalinsuranceagents.com/our-services] to find out how.
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