The most common complaint about exercises is that they do not give you effective results.
The people who usually complain about exercises go wrong with one of the following.
- Size expectations that are too high - You can gain only an inch or two with penis exercises on an average.
If you are expecting to be bigger by 4 inches, this is not the method for you.
In fact, there is no penis enlargement method that will allow you to gain that much. - Time expectations are ridiculous - Most people are very, very impatient and want results today and tomorrow.
It is just not possible.
If you were trying to get bigger biceps, can you expect them to be bigger in one day's time after a workout? The penis is no different.
It needs time to grow - Techniques used while doing penis exercises - This is the biggest mistake that people make.
They do a quick Google search, find an exercise on the Internet and just start doing it for like an hour.
This is probably the most ignorant thing you could do when it comes to exercises for the penis.
Exercises need to be followed according to a schedule and not randomly.
A good program will NOT require you to exercise for more than 10 minutes at a time. - Improper warm up and other care - Every exercise needs to be preceded by a warm up.
Warm ups are very important because they get the penis stimulated for enlargement.
Also, exercises are never to be performed on an erect penis.
They should always be done on a semi erect penis.
The reason why it has not worked for them is because they fall under one of the categories listed above.
They either want unrealistic results within a very short time frame or without wanting to put in any effort at all.
These people are also the ones who will buy penis pills and pumps that promise quick enlargement.
They will however be eventually dissatisfied with those methods as well as they simply do not work.
If you are looking for a real penis enlargement method that does not offer false promises, you can start practicing penis exercises even today to be on your way to a bigger penis in about 5-8 weeks.
It is a long time but well worth the wait as penis exercises provide safe and permanent enlargement.