- 1). Cut the white muslin fabric for the apron to measure 2 feet by 2 feet. With white thread, sew a 1/2-inch hem around three sides. Cut another piece of muslin for the apron tie to measure 3 inches by 40 inches. Sew this to the square, centering it at the unfinished edge with a 1/4-inch seam. Hem the unfinished edges of the apron tie.
- 2). Cut 25 pieces of red yarn to 12-inch lengths. Gather the pieces and fold them in half. Use the needle and red thread to sew through the yarn at the fold to secure it. Cut the bill off the baseball cap and glue the yarn to the inside. Trim the yarn to frame the face after you place the wig on the head.
- 3). Use red masking tape to create red stripes on the white tube socks.
- 4). Layer the apron over the skirt and blouse. Add tube socks, black shoes and the baseball cap red wig.
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