Due to American men's stubborn and sometimes indecisive behavior, are we facing the fall of man and the uprising of woman? Washington can't get their act together.
Ted Cruz resembles Alabama's George Wallace.
Paul Ryan is silent, a strong contradiction to his earlier debates on the Affordable Health Care Act ("Obamacare") and anything else associated with his President of these United States.
Rand Paul looks sedated.
Who beat him into submission, I wonder.
Kentucky's Mitch McConnell--well, nothing will ever please Mr.
And Senator John McCain is upset with all of them, and rightly so.
I'm looking for one man to step up and say, "I have changed my position.
This fight is going nowhere and it's hurting the American people.
" But men can't do that.
They are so prideful that each one is searching for an amicable way out of this fiasco so they don't look so bad.
Too late! Our governmental system has been trashed and railroaded by bull-headed leadership.
They all resemble a stubborn child who refuses to say "I'm sorry.
" Matter of fact, I challenge the head of both political parties to call a press conference and voice their apologies to the American people.
If they don't...
Put a woman in charge! Hillary Clinton will run for the 2016 presidential election, and win (I predict).
But Hillary Clinton's potential leadership of the free world won't break new ground.
There are a host of courageous women in charge of this planet.
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is president of Argentina.
Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, is perhaps the most influential female politician.
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a black female, is president of Liberia.
I could name nine other Top Female Leaders Around the World[1], but you get the point.
As you can see, these women have the most prestigious positions imaginable.
This article is not intended to rate the efficiency in which these women officiate their political responsibilities, but rather to expose the growing trend around the world of the "changing of the guard," so to speak.
Why is this happening? Our politicians are throwing tantrums and squabbling as school children.
Their bickering is bloodier than an L.
They are politically posturing themselves out of a job.
Who ever heard of a bunch of well-educated men debating over a law they lost in the Supreme Court? (If I were an Ivy League representative, I'd beg each politician to please not list the institution on their resume.
) Their threat to repeal Obamacare, fight to defund the government, and put families at financial risk seems foolish.
Who, in their right mind, ignores the possibilities that our soldiers' families will not receive their death benefits? They were warned.
Yet, they chose to disrupt America's freedom, security, soldiers' pay, veterans' benefits, and worry the elderly, all because they want to derail Barak Obama's presidency.
Please tell me we don't have human beings in our governmental system that would collectively allow themselves to be so wrapped up in hatred that they would ruin our financial stability and threaten our political standing among nations.
Do you know what that's called? Selfish! Women are sometimes mischaracterized as weak and too emotional.
Well, if you ask me, this is a subject that warrants emotions.
When it was time for men to step up to the plate and expose their concerns for the American people and act on it--what did they do?--they proudly stood firm to shut down the government.
Totally out of touch, they ended up approaching our governmental issues as if they were trying to win a heated argument with their wives over their household budget.
What dogmania! American voters are so angry with Washington that most are determined to vote every one of our politicians out of office, replacing them with new blood.
Thing is, this new blood may be wearing a skirt and toting a kid on her hip.
And don't you dare think we can't do it.
We are excellent at juggling priorities.
Procrastination isn't in our vocabulary.
Women are paying attention, huddling, and building strategy with a keen awareness of the possibility they're up next.
Men fail to realize women are very strategic, powerful, tenacious, persuasive, and possess a dangerous determination.
These observant specimen will sit back and watch disloyalty and corruption with a quiet disdain, while men callously think their covert operations are being ignored.
By the time men figure out they over-played their hand and should change their ways, women have already taken decisive action.
Don't believe me? Ask any man who has been served his divorce papers.
He didn't see it coming.
And no matter how much he begs and pleads, it's over! That's the way women are feeling about this political debacle.
American politicians, beware.
You are about to be served! Men forget women have long memories, and they keep meticulous, mental records of wrong.
This formula is about to become a reality: Men - GOP - Tea Party - Conservatives - Government Shutdown - Tot Standing at Zoo Gate - Soldiers' Death Benefits + Hillary Clinton = Hillary Clinton in 2016.
You think President Obama got elected by the sheer will of man? Think again.
Do you think the proposed rezoning of many of America's voting districts will solve Republicans' real underlying issues? Don't underestimate the American people.
They will crawl, hitchhike, bus, taxi, move to other districts if they have to, and stand in line for two days to vote in the next election.
Now don't you think women should rule the world? I'm an old-fashioned woman.
I enjoy my husband being (or shall I say, acting as the) head of the household.
But I suspect future households will be challenged over the leadership role in their homes.
Women can make a man feel as if he is running things, when, in fact, she's running the show.
The funny thing about this dynamic relationship between a man and a woman is our men know they're being wielded in directions they should have taken on their own.
They also know they are awarded kudos for leadership skills which rightfully belong to their wives.
It takes a great man to admit this.
Believe me, not many do.
So, as the coming election year draws near and you're looking around your state for a good leader, don't ignore the shaved legs supporting a lipstick-wearing, baby-toting female.
Similar to Deborah[2] in the bible (Judges 4-5), she might be our best option to strengthen our country.
There's something important to remember, though.
If our men progress to the level of a Barak (an Israelite soldier who had misgivings about Deborah's leadership), he may end up leading the army, but dishonored by the victory.
I'm just saying...
[1] Top Female Leaders Around the World - Friday, September 16, 2011 by Time Magazine - http://content.
html#ixzz2hSXRMdxO [2] Deborah - Israel's Only Female Judge was Both Wise and Courageous by Cynthia Astle - http://ancienthistory.
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