Yeast Infection During Pregnancy
During pregnancy women can experience a host of side effects, from swollen feet and hands, to stretch marks and lack of sleep. Despite these, probably one of the most uncomfortable is a vaginal yeast infection. There is a great deal of anecdotal evidence that when you are pregnant you are more susceptible to a yeast infection/Candida overgrowth than when not expecting.
The theory is as Candida reacts so well to estrogen and during pregnancy there is such an increase in estrogen it can provide an ideal environment for Candida to run amok.
Whatever the reason, and pregnant or not, yeast infections while generally not considered terminal, can certainly have an impact on the quality of your life.
Yeast Infection Signs and Symptoms During Pregnancy
There are quite a few indications of yeast infection when you are pregnant, hopefully you do not get them all.
-Burning and itching on the skin in and around the vagina
-Whitish discharge that can resemble cottage cheese and may or may not have an odor
-Painful sex, or sometime intermittent pain in the lower abdomen
-Irritation or burning feeling when urinating.
Yeast Infection Treatments During Pregnancy
Now this is where you have to be careful, a lot of drugs are not recommended for use during pregnancy. As well it is itβs very important to make sure of the correct diagnosis before treatment while pregnant.
There are a few common problems that are similar to yeast infection, such as a bacterial infection, that can produce copious amounts of discharge similar to a what yeast infection can do, but the treatments are completely different.
Generally speaking yeast infections while pregnant require a little more time to cure than if you are not pregnant. Quite often a health care provider will recommend an OTC antifungal, but we prefer the natural route.
One thing we must stress is do not use boric acid if you are pregnant, multiple articles on the internet that say you can use it and also an equal number of articles that say don't use it. It is very toxic, and there are other compounds out there that would work as well, you wouldn't want to put something like that near your baby, even though it isn't likely to get through all the protection Mother Nature provides.
So as baby is going to be facing the toxic world sooner rather than later lets lessen his or her exposure to chemicals until the last possible moment, and go with an all natural cure for yeast infection during pregnancy.
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