There is numerous safety issues related to the operation of snow blowers.
In the United States the commission for safety of these products has revealed vital statistics.
As per the statistics of the commission, approximately 6000 injuries related to snow blowers occur every year in the U.
These injuries are often fatal and require medical help.
Some of the common safety tips to be followed while operating are: - It is advised to take adequate precautions while refueling the snow blowers.
It is of utmost importance to ensure that the refueling is done at an open location.
Also do not fill oil or gasoline when the machine is in running condition.
- The smoke emitted by blowers contains harmful carbon monoxide gas.
Hence, it is advisable not to operate the machine in a closed room.
- While operating the machine it is advised not to wear loose clothes as there are chances of these clothes getting entangled with the moving parts of the machine.
- When the machine is in operating condition, no repair attempts should be made.
- The direction of the chute and the jet of snow should be towards a safe and secluded place.
- There are chances that the snow blower may get jammed due to accumulation of snow and the motor stalling may be experienced.
This snag has to be handled with caution.
The correct practice is to switch off the machine and clear the jam.
- Carry out periodic maintenance as hinted by the manufacture to enhance the efficiency and life of the blowers.
- Drain the tank and flush it with proper storage oil so that the machine does not malfunction the next season.
- Always check out for kinks, frays, bends in the rubberized parts and replace such items at the earliest as they may cause potential hazards.
- Check the tyres of the snow blowers for proper pressure.
The deflated or low pressured tyres may topple the vehicle during transportation and operation.
- The drive mechanism, impellers, and the augers are the major moving parts of the snow blowers as they are always to be kept in smooth motion.
In order to achieve smooth and uniform movements of these parts, lubrication is very important.
- Every time before you start the machine, ensure that the auger and impeller are not frozen and are ready to rotate.
Some of the important safety and maintenance practices to be carried out before the commencement of the new season.
- After the season is over drain the old engine oil.
- Clean the carburetor and check the drive belts for damage and deterioration.
- Replace the shear bolts of the auger as it tends to wear after a season.
- In case of an electric snow blower check the battery bank and individual battery voltage and specific gravity.
If certain safety tips are meticulously followed, as per the handling instruction given by the manufacturer then quite a good number of incidents and injuries can be avoided.
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