Is your present job fulfilling? Are you energized and inspired at work? Sadly, a lot of people just can't wait to get out of their present job and move into something new and exciting.
They are tired of all the hassles and challenges at their job. They are tired of dealing with co-workers and superiors. Many times they feel unappreciated.
I saw a report that said that nearly 60% of workers under the age of 25 are not satisfied with their job. For those who are age 45 to 54, about 55% are still not satisfied.
I recently received an email from a lady who shared with me some of the things going on at her job. Even though she has recently received two prizes for her performance she still feels uncomfortable. She told me that her boss is mean to her.
I wrote back to her and told her that things in the work place can indeed get weird at times. I certainly have experienced that personally, and you probably have too! But, you are never wrong to act according to Godly principles. In fact, working that way is an asset to any company.
I told her that things like honesty, integrity, hard work, and especially doing your best to love people at work with the love of God in your heart are really invaluable. Those who don't notice things like that, or appreciate them, are simply missing the important picture.
How about you?
How do you feel when you come home from work? Frustrated? Fed up? Exhausted? Can't wait to find a new job? Have you found that new job yet? No, you haven't. Therein lies the irony!
Many people come home exhausted and fed up with their current job, and have no energy or ambition to do anything about it because they are just too tired from working. They have something to eat, plop on the couch, and soon it's off to bed, only to wake up and face the same circumstances again in the morning!
There are times, and I have been there, where your current job is just not what you want to do for any number of reasons: the pay, the environment, the work load, etc. But, so many times people in that situation do not have the energy or even the enthusiasm to make a change.
Here are some tips that will help you if you do want to make a change.
This past summer, I taught at a business conference about the fact that employees need to remember why they were hired in the first place. You were hired to make the company money! That's the reason! And so, we ought to approach our work with that understanding, and work heartily operating sound biblical principles, with a view that our work is supposed to make the company money.
Next, you need to be thankful for the job that you have. What?! Be thankful for this job? Yes! Be thankful.
If you are truly thankful, it is so much easier to ask God to bless your work and your company. When you work your job with that kind of an attitude you are not only a blessing to those around you, but you bring in a lot of positive energy, even to a very negative situation. And, that's not all!
Being at work with that kind of an attitude will not drain every ounce of life out of you every day! When you have that kind of an attitude, you may be tired at the end of the work day, but you will not have wasted so much of your energy being focused on how much you hate your job!
So, when you get home, guess what? You will not be totally exhausted without any ambition. You will have the energy to explore other possibilities so that you can make a transition into something new.
Until you can make that transition into something you really like and enjoy, make a decision to conduct your life with sound principles, starting with gratitude!
Plenty of people are looking for a job, and some of them are looking for your job! But you must see and understand what having gratitude for your own job will do for you.
When you add to that other principles like honesty, integrity, and loving people with the love of God, the quality of your own work will increase, which makes you more valuable to the company you work for!
Over time, you will become an inspiration to others. And, your job will not drain every ounce of life out of you. And if you want to, you will have the energy and ambition to find something else.
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