Home & Garden Home Improvement

Tips for Cleaning Area Rugs

Area rugs are often used in high-traffic areas to protect our wood and tiled floors, but often we forget that we need to protect the rug as well.
How often do you simply brush them over with a quick vacuum? What most people don't realize is the large amount of accumulated loose dirt that eventually settles in and shortens the lifespan of this decorative piece.
Several things will extend the use of your rug, including professional (and not so professional) cleaning, rotating rugs, treating stains, and yes, even the vacuum.
While professional cleaning is recommended for some, it should never be done more than once every year or two.
Depending on the fabric, it can visit the dry cleaners.
Be sure and always check the labels for the best method.
Check around as some professional rug cleaning services even make house calls! Rug accessories such as stair treads, chair pads and trivets are generally machine-washable in cold water, lay flat to dry.
What about the times when the dog tracks in mud or the kids race in after a soccer game? Those spots need to be removed immediately.
You have several options.
Use a store bought foam cleaner just like you would for a carpet stain.
For more delicate fabrics, try a dry cleaning fluid for spots which can also be found at your local grocery store.
And never forget the easiest and most likely the one that will not only get out the spot, but cleanse the entire rug...
Cheaper and the best cleaning investment you'll ever make! Spot clean or fill a sink with vinegar and water and soak.
Rinse thoroughly, air dry and voila, good as new.
Because your area rug has feet constantly trampling on it, you are bound to find a loose thread now and then.
If the thread is broken, don't pull, but clip.
If it is a loose thread on a braided rug, simply pull out your sewing kit.
As long as the repair cost doesn't exceed the value of the rug, call a rug repair expert to do the job for more elaborate weaves.
And finally, the easiest way to extend the lifespan? Rotate! If your color scheme works throughout your home, then simply rotate your area rugs from high-traffic areas to low-traffic areas every few months.
If it's reversible, flip it.
Didn't think it could be that easy, did you? As with any fabric home item, you must always read the manufacturer's labels for the best cleaning methods, but I hope these tips helped.
Follow them and you will save money, your rugs will stay happy, and you can enjoy your decorative piece longer.
Area rugs can add such flavor to your home, but will keep adding flavor if you keep caring for them properly!

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