Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Ayurvedic Remedies for Mental Tension Relief

Due to busy schedules and pressures of achieving high targets, stress has become a part of our lives. Thus, it becomes important for every individual to beat stress in one or the other way. If the stress is not handled well, you could have various diseases like heart attack, asthma, dependence on alcohol or drugs and many others.

Reasons for Mental Stress and Tension

In this competitive world, there is a need of taking the preventive measures to combat tension. According to ayurveda, a person is stressed when there is an imbalanced air body humor (air, fire and phlegm). When Vatta, the air, reduces in human body, it gives rise to stress and infutation. Similarly, the pitta also aggravates grief and lust when its equilibrium is disturbed in your body and destruction of kapha produces indiscrimination.

Ayurveda provides numerous remedies to relieve you of your tensions and stresses. Most of the people have opted for these treatments and are quite happy with the results. Ayurveda treatments suggest healthy and nutritious diet, wherein you'll need to strictly avoid oily, heavy and spicy meals. You'll be able to witness better results on if you adhere to ayurvedic mental tension relief remedies on a regular basis.

Remedies to Combat Stress

It is good to include fresh fruit juices and vegetable soups in your diet. Other antioxidants, health boosters and fibrous drinks are also recommended. Yoga and meditation is preferred as the best remedy for mental tension. Yoga relaxes you mind and body when performed in a peaceful environment. There are a few physical exercises especially help in reducing stress and one of them is brisk walking, which is to do.

It is important for you to sleep for at least 8 hours, which will relax your mind, body and soul. Besides, maintaining and following a scheduled daily timetable will also serve the purpose of mental tension relief. You could also opt for counseling sessions, which will make you feel much lighter by letting out your frustration and other troublesome thoughts.

While you are on Ayurveda treatment, it would be good if you change your routine of waking up early and going to bed early. Maintaining a healthy work or home schedule and diet will surely provide you with mental tension relief.

You could try Asanas like shavasana, which will give you immense pleasure. Doing anulom vilom and other deep breathing exercises early in the morning will be useful remedy for mental tension.

Ayurveda suggests you to eat healthy vegetarian food as it helps in developing positive attitude and approach. Eating fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables are highly recommended, especially while you are this treatment. According to ayurveda, your diet should be at least 80% alkaline.

You could add lavender oil drops to the water while taking a bath, as it lightens your mood and revitalizes you. Most importantly, you could massage your feet with sesame seeds oil and your scalp with cool oil for best results. It also acts as a good remedy for mental tension. Elaadi tailam and coconut oil are highly preferred over others.

In a nutshell, Ayurveda suggests you to connect with all the five elements of the universe which are air, fire, water, ether, sun and earth.

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