Wow! I just went to Miami Beach on my vacation! It was very first time in my life that I had ever been there. I went down there to see a professional football game at the Miami Dolphin's Stadium and I think I had a better time when I went on the Key West Tour! I am a huge football fan and have been following it for my entire life. I played in high school and a little bit in college also. In other words, I have been to tons and tons of football games in my life but I had never once had the opportunity to ride in a speedboat and to say it was a thrill would be an understatement (and a pun)! I am a huge sports fan but football is my number one favorite. I am from Canton, Ohio so that could be why I am a little more partial to football than any other sport.
For those of you reading this who don't know Canton, Ohio is the home of the football hall of fame. Canton is just south of Cleveland, Ohio which also makes me a Cleveland Browns NFL fan! Now granted, the Browns have not been a good team for a number of years but on that same note neither have the Miami Dolphins so I was excited that my Browns would play a competitive game. I am also a big NBA basketball fan but I do not want to talk about the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Miami Heat because that is to painful for me! Since I had never been to Miami Beach before I had to find out what was going on down there. I needed to know what the fun things to do were (like the Key West Tour) and where and how you could do them!
So to solve my dilemma I went on to my trusty home computer to see what I could dig up in the Miami fun department. I found out quite rapidly while searching the Internet that there is an insane amount of fun things to do if you are vacationing in Miami and Miami Beach. Of course I knew that there was a lot to do and that it is a fun place but I had no idea about the scope and variety of the fun! The websites with things to do in Miami were endless as where the activities and tours that you were able to choose from. I had to make some decisions about where I was going to spend my money though. Luckily I came across a website named This was the website that I found which was advertising the Key West Tour.
As soon as I saw the picture for this boat tour I knew it was something that I was interested in. I also have to admit that the website I was on had all of their tours and activities for half price so that was also very appealing to me! I am a little bit and a financial crunch so any dollar that I could save was important to me. This also freed up more money for me that I could use to do other tours and activities.