Home & Garden Gardening

How to Successfully Prune Your Plants and Trees

Gardening during the cold months of the year takes on two different aspects: my favourite aspect is when I can sit in my comfy chair and dream of the warm sun on the back of my neck as I plant my new annuals, while leafing through the latest gardening catalogue from my favourite gardening club.
The second type of gardening during winter is the maintenance that needs to be done when the plants aren't growing.
 In my part of the world, where we don't get snow, ever, pretty much any day can be suitable to pruning and other maintenance, but if you live somewhere where it gets below freezing, then wait for a day where it's a little warmer.
 This is because when the temperature drops below freezing, the sap in the trees also hardens, and this can make the wood very brittle and prone to shattering, which is obviously not good for the tree.
Dealing with deciduous trees during winter makes sense, as they are dormant, and have shed their leaves, so you can see what you're doing.
 Evergreen trees, like conifers, if you're going to prune them, need to be pruned at the end of the growing season; i.
autumn/fall and winter.
  Before you get anywhere near cutting tools, step back and look at the overall shape of the tree.
 Decide how you want it to look and what needs to be removed while assessing the best way to get it to look like that.
 Next, walk up close to the tree, and have a look at the internal structure of the branches.
 This is where you'll be starting.
  Have a look for the small branches that don't get much sunlight.
 These are just a drain on the plants resources, and they will never grow.
 Remove them.
 Any branches that are crossing over other branches should also be removed.
 Clean up so that all branches start at the trunk and are aimed at the outside of the tree, where they will, eventually, get all the sunlight they need.
Once you've pruned away the internal "rubbish", step back again and assess the shape of the tree.
 Decide on where you'll leave the edge of the plant, and start pruning branches that are outside this line.
 Start at the top of the tree and work your way down.
 Prune any buds that are on or just short of the edge, as these will grow during the next season, and will need to be removed next winter.
  Plants, and trees, in general, have two different types of branches: terminal and lateral.
 Terminal branches have one bud at the end.
 These are the branches that you'd put a tree house on, obviously if the tree was large enough! Lateral branches branch off from the terminal branch and lead to the "fullness" of the tree.
 These fill in the spaces between the terminal branches.
Too many people have the false idea that pruning will harm the tree.
 Sure, if you prune down to the root ball, the plant will probably not survive.
 However, if you follow sensible guidelines, your tree will be healthier, grow stronger and live longer.
 Remember, if you prune too far, it will grow back.

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