- 1). Open "Far Cry" on your PC and select "Options" from the main menu. Select "Video Options."
- 2). Select "Resolution" to change the game's resolution. Match the resolution to your computer's resolution as closely as possible.
- 3). Select "Antialiasing" to choose what kind of antialiasing you want "Far Cry" to run on. Choose from: None, Low, Medium and High.
- 4). Select the "Brightness," "Gamma Correction" and "Contrast" control bars to change those levels in the game.
- 5). Click the "Full Screen" box to play the game in full-screen mode. Select "Vertical Sync" to enable or disable the game syncing with your graphics card.
- 6). Choose "Play Background Video" to enable or disable the background video in the game's menu. Select "Render Mode" to change how the characters and backgrounds are rendered in "Far Cry." You can choose from: Default, Improved, Paradise, Cold and Cartoon.