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Down Comforters Are Green

Americans love their KFC chicken.
But Asians like birds of flight.
A lot of geese and duck are raised for the food industry.
Down and feathers are the main left over, but not the main reason Asia is the #1 exporter of down bedding and down apparel in the world.
The meat, not the down and feathers, drive the production.
Down and feathers are a just a naturally occurring byproduct from the duck, the goose, and the appetite of the world's largest population.
Down Conserves Resources Putting down and feathers to such a good use is a conservative effort.
If they were not used in the textile industry, they would be added to surface landfills along with the other waste parts of the bird.
Down is Renewable Down and feathers are renewable.
A renewable resource is one that can be replaced at a greater rate than it is consumed.
Because down is a byproduct of the food industry in Asia, there will always be an ample and ever flowing supply.
Unlike synthetic (man made) bedding, made with non-renewable oil sources, down does not permanently subtract from the earth's supply of resources.
Down is Natural Down bedding is natural.
Down and feather are a naturally occurring material, a result of 300 million years of evolution.
There are no environmentally unfriendly processes or chemicals used in making them, like other man made bedding materials.
Down Save Energy Down is the best insulating material known to man.
A good down comforter will keep you warm and allow you to turn the thermostat down, saving money and the environment.
You can easily save energy in the winter by setting the thermostat to 68°F while you're awake and setting it lower while you're asleep or away from home.
By turning your thermostat back 10°-15° for 8 hours, you can save about 5%-15% a year on your heating bill - 1% savings per degree when the setback period is eight hours long.
A common misconception says that it is actually more expensive for a heater to reheat a space, than to keep it warm.
This misconception has been dispelled by years of research and numerous studies.
Savings are realized for several hours from the time your house stabilizes at the lower temperature until heat is needed again.
So the longer you keep your thermostat down, the more you save.
Cost Savings Per Year You can save a significant amount of money per year and help the environment, when you set your thermostat back at night.
An average home saves about $90 / degree / 8 hour set back period.
So the yearly savings would look like this: 1° F = $90 2° F = $180 3° F = $270 4° F = $360 5° F = $450 The energy and money savings are great.
You can pay for your down comforter with only a few months of energy savings.

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