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Gabrielle Union on the Appeal of Independent Films" "We did 'Constellation' last summer. I did a film called 'Donut Hole,' which is now called something else, with Peter Paige, and a film I did two years ago, 'Neo Ned,' we opened Tribeca, gosh, about a month ago now, and did pretty well. So I try to mix it up certainly during the summers when I have a little bit more time in the last couple of years.
To kind of break away from doing the big commercial films and try to stretch and grow as an actress.
I just did this film 'Running With Scissors' where I play a lesbian- finally. 'The L Word' wouldn?t have me, so thank God Annette Bening did. I play Annette Bening?s lover and she?s a speed freak and junkie and manic depressive. She paints her nails depending on her moods. To kind of be given that, to be trusted with that sort of opportunity by [writer/director] Ryan Murphy who we know from 'Nip-Tuck' and I got to the set and there?s my cast chair sitting next to Annette Bening?s, Gwyneth Paltrow and Brian Cox and Joseph Fiennes and Alec Baldwin. I was like, ? I was just doing 'Bring It On',? or that?s what it felt like.
I was doing this scene where I?m breaking up with Annette and I?m cussing her out and saying the most awful things. I?m dragging her down the hallway, and they?re like, 'Cut.? I?m like, ?I?ve got to go to the bathroom.? I called my mom and I?m like, ?I just broke up with Annette Bening!??
How Good of a Kisser is Annette Bening?: "You?re going to have to find out. I have to say it was the first time my husband wasn?t concerned about me going to work. He showed up, actually."
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