What really causes baldness? A specific answer to such a question does not exist, for baldness is a condition that is caused by many factors.
Baldness can be caused by genetics, health, age and nutrition.
The most interesting of these is the genetic cause.
How is genetics associated to baldness? Well according to research on genetics it was discovered that the X sex chromosome carries a gene that is associated with male pattern baldness.
When this gene is mutated, it has an effect on the structure of hair which can cause baldness.
This gene when mutated has the effect of reducing the concentration of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
SHBG binds testosterone thus preventing its conversion to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Thus, in the absence of SHBG, DHT increases which leads to baldness.
The response of hairs to DHT is determined by genetics, some will show high signs of hair thinning, while on some the effects are not so noticeable.
Genetic predisposition to hair loss does in actual fact exist.
This is so for when your parent happens to have such an X chromosome that has a mutated gene then you are likely to be bald as you age.
The condition is however more common in males than in females due to the fact that the condition is noticeable in the recessive form.
Thus since females have two X chromosomes in order for them to have this kind of baldness the genes on both chromosomes have to be mutants of which the frequency of such an event occurring is very low.
On the other hand, males will show the condition as they only have one X chromosome.
This will also mean that if a woman has a father that is bald and she carries a defected X chromosome.
She will not phenotipically show the baldness trait, but she will transmit the condition to her children and there is a 50% chance that her male offspring will inherit baldness.
It is therefore evident that baldness can be an inherited trait.
That is the reason why when a study is carried out on bald persons it will be found that they at least have a relative that is also bald and usually it will be in their mothers line, for they inherit their X chromosomes from their mothers line.
Although baldness can be genetically predetermined, it can still be controlled and its effects gotten rid of.
If you come from a family where male pattern baldness is common, you yourself can avoid the condition even before it starts.
All you need to do is to take some pills that are designed to control the levels of DHT in the blood as well as making sure that the scalp is well supplied with blood and nutrients which help maintain good hair growth.
A good diet will also promote good hair growth and retard the onset of baldness.
Health practitioners and doctors are always willing to provide patients with advice on how to control hair loss.
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