If you have just established an online business then you strongly need to follow the internet marketing techniques in order to promote your business worldwide. News marketing is an appropriate way for attracting massive traffic to your website from all over the world.
News marketing consists the information regarding your business that what kind of benefits you are intending to provide to your valuable customers. There exist hundreds of news and business directories for the purpose of news marketing, so if you are going to take them one by one then you would have to consume a lot of your time. So to save the overhead and time, developers have invented a masterpiece named News Publisher.
This software also works for you while you sleep what you need is just to provide it the news article and it will perform the news marketing just with one click by submitting them to the top 100 news and business websites. This software is ideal for freelancers, entrepreneurs and business professionals as they can make a vivid exposure to their products or services with news marketing. For backlinks, you have to hyperlink the keywords in order to direct the visitors to your website or home page, so this handy news marketing tool automatically selects the keywords and hyperlink them to your business website or information page.
To prevent spam in news and business directories, a security check code is added in directories. If you are doing news marketing and you have to enter the captchas one by on then it is for sure that you going to waste a lot of your time. So developers have integrated this software to automatically recognize the captcha codes. Every news and business directories has its own guidelines and with the software you dont even need to follow those guidelines for news marketing and it automatically selects the appropriate category for your news, press release or business information. You have unlimited number of accounts and submission reports that gives you the complete scenario of news marketing. The most charming feature that is provided by the developer of this software is free auto updates in future and free life time technical and customers support to integrate your news marketing capabilities.You can get further information from http://products.softsolutionslimited.com/news_publisher/index.htm.
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