Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Guide to Article Directory Submission

Articles directory submission involves submitting articles to the directories.
It is used commonly by webmasters to build backlinks to their site.
Most article directories allows you to include 2 - 3 links in the resource box.
Some article directories let you include anchor link within the content of the article.
There are hundreds of article directories on the internet.
In order for the articles to be approved, you must follow the submission guideline of the article directory.
Each article directory has different submission guidelines.
Content Before submitting to the article directory, you must prepare an article.
The article must be grammatically correct and without spelling error.
Some editor will tolerate a few grammar error on the article.
However, if there is a lot of grammar mistake, the editor will decline it.
If you are not good in writing, you can hire a SEO company or individual professional copywriter.
The article must be unique and original.
If the editor finds out that the article is a duplicate from other website, it will decline the article and ban your account.
To make sure the article is original, you can use copyscape.
com charges $5 for 100 credits.
Each credit is valid for performing one search.
The article should not be submitted in other article directories under a different username.
If it is submitted under a different username, the editor will say that it is a copied work of another writer.
The article must be informative and educational towards the readers.
If you are submitting a case study, or analysis article, make sure it does not have more than 5 lines of quoted material.
The article must not be used in self promotion for example submission to press release, newsletter, sales letter and etc.
The article must be written in English language.
The punctuation and capitalization of the sentence must be used appropriately.
It is not necessary to use perfect English in the article.
However, the article must be readable and produce a meaning.
Hence, it is important to proofread the article to prevent grammar error.
If English is not your first language, you can ask someone else to help proofread it for you.
There can be one or two spaces following a period and colon.
There should never be a space before the period or common.
If you want to use multiple periods, you should only use a maximum of three dots.
If you want to use dashes, you should use them two in a row for example --.
The article must not mention anything about pornography, hatred, violence, obscene stuffs and etc.
It must not support extreme radicalism, illegal drugs, weapon, terrorism, cigarette and alcohol.
The article must not be a term paper that is sold to college students.
In addition, the article must not promote email safe lists, bulk email marketing, paid auto surf program, click fraud, MFA site, and etc.
The content of the article must not be in violation of the law of the United States.
The article must not be same as any of the article that you have submitted.
If you only slightly change the article which you previously submitted and resubmit it again, the editor will reject them and ban the account.
The article must not provide a way of correspondence to the readers including email address, physical address, and telephone number.
The article should not have an excessive use of keywords or bold phrases.
You can include a number of keywords in the article to optimize it for the search engine.
Generally, the keyword density of the article should be 2% - 3% of the word count of the article.
Format The title of the article should not be in ALL CAPS.
The initial letter of each word should be in uppercase letters.
The rest of the words in the title should be in lower case letter.
Words such as "to", "the", "for" and etc should not have the first initial letter be capitalized in upper case letter.
The title must not be stuffed with too much keyword.
Instead, you should use a title that describes the content of the article.
The title should not contain an excessive repetition of punctuation such as exclamation mark (!), and question mark (?).
The title should not use slang or be profane in word usage.
Name of the Author In the resource box, you can include your name to introduce yourself as the author of the article.
You can use first name and last initial, or first initial and last name.
if you are a company entity, you should use the company name instead of individual name.
The email address or web address cannot be used to represent the author name.
It is unnecessary to include the title before the name.
However, if you hold a doctorate or master degree, you can use a title before your name such as Dr.
PhD, and MD.
Body of the Article The average word count requirement for most directories is 250 - 5000 words.
The article should not consist of more than 5000 words as it will be too long.
The average word count for the articles is 400 - 600 words.
In the resource box, you can include the copyright information.
Depending on the article directories, the copyright information can be placed either on top or at the bottom of the article.
Tags which are allowed in the article body There are several tags which can be used in the article body.
Different article directories will allows different tags in the body of the article.
The tags which are commonly allowed include: •Bold HTML tag, •Strong HTML tag, •Italic HTML tag, •Emphasis HTML tag, •Underline HTML tag, •Break HTML tag, Some of the tags which are not allowed include: •Paragraph HTML tag, •Javascript language •Image HTML tag, •Font size and color HTML tag, •Heading HTML tag, •Horizontal Line tag,

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