While assessing the benefits of carton milk over milk in plastic packets, the former emerges as a clear winner. Apart from its ease of use and convenient transport, carton milk is also known to preserve the nutrition of milk better than its plastic counterparts.
For one, using milk from cartons is a hassle free affair. It's easy to pour out milk from the spout without spilling and splashing. Even for kids! And after use, the carton can be sealed. The secure cap also makes it convenient to carry around. Kids can take these to school or camp without the fear of spilling milk. It's also very easy to drink straight out of a carton. Carton milk is tastier, healthier and remains fresh for longer.
Even with all the benefits of carton milk, the question of 'Is tetra pack milk safe?' still oscillates in the mind of many. The answer is yes. Combing two smart technologies, UHT technology and aseptic packaging in one carton, tetra pack brings you pure packaged milk. Milk is sterilised to beyond 135 degrees for 1-2 seconds to make it bacteria free. This flash heating lasts for a very short duration killing even the bacteria spores. Yet the nutrition content remains intact. That's not all!
The sterilised milk is then packed in a six layer protection (aseptic technology) that keeps off bacteria for as long as six months. The UHT technology also ensures that the flavour of milk is kept unaltered. However, in plastic pouches milk is heated for a longer duration that kills not only the bacteria but also the flavour and nutrition content of milk. Even so, the milk has to be either boiled or stored at really low temperatures to keep it from getting spoilt. Milk in plastic pouches has a shorter shelf life and are not much nutritive for health as compare to unpacked milk.
You don't need to boil or refrigerate milk packed in tetra pack cartons. Tetra pack is a new technology that has emerged as a convenient and healthy alternative to plastic pouches. Milk packed in tetra pack cartons remains fresh for as long as six months (unopened pack). It comes in a variety of flavours. Chocolate, elaichi and strawberry - kids simply love these.
Now that all the doubts regarding 'is milk packed in tetra pack safe?' have been drowned, rememberthat when it comes to picking safe milk for your family, nothing beats tetra pack.
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