- 1). Place a 12-by-18-inch piece of wax paper on a flat, stable work surface.
- 2). Create a square from four craft sticks like a picture frame. Overlap the ends and glue them in place. Repeat the process for a total of eight craft stick square frames. Allow to dry 15 minutes.
- 3). Cover the surface of a craft stick frame with craft sticks to create a wall. Repeat the process with the remaining seven craft stick frames. Allow to dry 15 minutes.
- 4). Put one wall panel on the surface of an old magazine so it creates a diamond shape. Divide the diamond in half by placing the edge of the metal edged ruler from the center of the top point to the center of the bottom point. Cut through the craft sticks with a craft knife. Sit the two triangles aside.
- 5). Flip one triangle over so the flat surface is against the wax paper. Place the cut edge horizontally. Flip a square wall panel over so the flat surface is on the bottom. Place the top of the square directly under the triangle so the two edges are touching. Zigzag a line of glue between the triangle and the end of the wall panel. Place a craft stick across the glue. Allow to dry for 15 minutes. Repeat the process with the second triangle to create two peaked walls.
- 6). Flip one wall section so the flat surface is on the bottom. Place a line of glue along the outside edge of the original square frame. This is the bottom of the cabin.
- 7). Immediately place four walls along the edge of the glue. Turn the panels so the flat side is on the outside of the cabin. Place the two walls with the triangles on top opposite one another. Brace the walls in the standing position using four cans or bottles of pop.
- 8). Glue the bottom edges and the sides of the cabin with white glue. Carefully put your hand inside the mini cabin and squeeze a line of glue along the bottom edges and up all four sides. Allow the glue to dry for 30 minutes.
- 9). Place the two remaining panels on top of the triangles to form the roof. Squeeze a line of glue along the angles edges of the triangles. Turn the two roof panels so the flat side is facing up. Position to the two panels over the triangles to the top edge of the panels are touching. Support the front and back edge of the roof panels with pop cans. Carefully squeeze a line of glue along the roof edges to help secure them to the cabin walls. Allow the glue to dry 30 minutes.
- 10
Add the windows and door on the cabin walls with markers.
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