Family & Relationships Friends & Friendship

Final Adieu To Twilight Saga From Robert Pattinson And Kristen Stewart

One of the most loved couples in Hollywood, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were present during the most awaited film of the year and the last part of the saga Twilight: Breaking Dawn part 2. The vampire couple were present during the interviews hosted after the premiere at Four Seasons Hotel for interacting with the press for the last time as Bella and Edward about the end of the Twilight chronicle. During the press meet, the couple also talked to the reporters about the changes, which will be coming in their life as they move forward towards a new career path. Both Robert and Kristen stated during the interviews that, it was just because of the movie that they came back to each other.

What did the vampire couple cited about the movie?
Robert Pattinson said during the interview that, the movie kindled the fire of love again in his life after the split with Kristen last summer. Both the actors stated that, the changes in their lives started after the release of the first ever Twilight film. Robert Pattinson stated that, It was just a belief that Twilight will go this far after the first release. During the interview process, the couple cited that, the Twilight Saga made them come back for each other and now they are in a better position to take the relationship on a smoother note.

Kristen Stewart aka Bella alluded, she is looking forward towards the end of the journey for a human turned vampire in the final segment of Twilight. Kristen said, Twilight Saga was special, as five long years were spent on it. Along with Kristen, director of the movie, Condon Bill said, It was an obsession, which is finally over. While talking to the reporters present at the interview, the couple said, The Twilight chronicle was a part of life and love which was back on track.

Bottom line from the experts
Some of the experts from the entertainment industry and Hollywood stated that, Twilight has been a fantastic journey for all the fans and the final part was the most awaited of all as everybody wanted to know about the ending. In addition, they also said, Both Robert and Kristen are classic and wonderful actors who have given their hard work and dedication or the movie along with the other characters in the film. Now the fans of Edward and Bella are looking forward to see them together in something different in which they can sink in their fangs.

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