There is no joke to get constipated. If not having many symptoms, it can be accompanied by one, and constipation can be really painful during bowel movements, dry or hard stool, nausea, cramps and even abdominal pain. Some sufferers may feel the effects of constipation everyday, though you may only experience constipation with the occasional irregular bowel movements.
Bear in mind that constipation does not always cause abdominal pain, but they are absolutely associated in several circumstances. It is at the bottom of the large intestine that the stool hardens, thus creating blockage when fecal impaction happens, thus, causes abdominal pain and constipation.
The hardening of the stool between the large intestine and the rectum is known as fecal impaction, creates a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract causing little to no relief throughout bowel movements. In its early stages, fecal impaction will trigger abdominal cramping, and rectum discomfort. Nonetheless, as feces backs up behind the blockage, pressure generates within your body leading to further abdominal pain and constipation.
The longer the fecal impaction remains, disabling the body from defecating, the more severe pain and pressure will become in the abdomen. Frequently mistaken as a bad case of the flu, you may not make the relationship between abdominal pain and constipation as possible symptoms of fecal impaction. In fact, since the blockage only allows watery waste to pass through the body, many of us have a tendency to ignore the problem, considering the diarrhea is a result of the flu, and will pass in a few days. Little do we understand that the opposite is true.
If left untreated, fecal impactions can lead to serious health problems far more severe than constipation abdominal pain felt in the preliminary stages. To relieve temporary discomfort caused by constipation, you may try using laxatives. However, laxatives are not efficient in the elimination and prevention of fecal impactions. Since laxatives do not cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of feces, waste will continue to build up on the walls of the colon and intestines leading to future fecal impactions. If the abdominal pain and constipation, so as fecal impaction.
Doctors can apply treatment to the abdominal pain and constipation from fecal impaction by executing a colonic irrigation. By eliminating feces clinging to the wall of the colon and intestines, this method will eradicate future possible blockages. But, who wants to get to know their doctor that well when it is possible to cleanse the gastrointestinal system in a much less invasive way.
By having a healthy lifestyle complete with a diet rich in fiber and plenty of exercise you can surely prevent abdominal pain and constipation. For a faster relief of abdominal pain, constipation accompanied by fecal impaction, try New Colon Sweep! Keep away from chemical cleansers that harm beneficial bacteria that live in the gastrointestinal tract. For an all natural colon cleanser that is efficient against abdominal pain and back pain constipation, give Colon Sweep a try today!
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