Isonavones have been in the center of the research spotlight, but there are many other soy constituents in the wings that also deserve attention.
For instance, saponins are found in many different vegetables and legumes, including soy, and these compounds have many intriguing health benefits, including enhancing immune function, the prevention of certain cancers, and limiting the absorption of cholesterol.
Another interesting group of soy compounds that may be underrecognized are the phytosterols.
Phytosterols bear a resemblance to cholesterol, but unlike the cholesterol found in animal foods, phytosterols from soy seem to block the absorption of the unhealthy animal cholesterol.
Phytosterols also show a positive role in lowering the risk of colon Cancer.
Protease inhibitors, yet another constituent in soybeans, block certain enzymes that otherwise contribute to cancer.
For this reason, protease inhibitors have been shown in preliminary research to reduce the risk of cancer.
Another potential cancer fighter in soy is phytic acid.
Although physic acid has the undesirable quality of binding with minerals, such as calcium and iron, in the intestine and preventing them from being absorbed, it also ants as an antioxidant to block the development of cancer.
Phytic acid is found in many high fiber foods, including soy.
What are lignans? Lignans are another type of phytoestrogen.
The most concentrated source of lignans is flaxseed oil, although small amounts of lignans wide variety of foods including legumes, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits Actually, lignan levels are generally much higher in Westerners than levels The are found in a of isoflavones, since soy is not frequently eaten, but several foods that provide small amounts of lignans are consumed regularly After being neglected for many years, lignas are now garnering a significant amount of research attention in terms of cancer and heart disease prevention What is iproflavone? Ipriflavone can be thought of as isoflavone's cousin.
Aside from this link, the most exciting aspect of ipriflavone is its role in maintaining strong healthy bones Specifically ipriflavone shows promise in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.
Ipriflavone, although not found in soy foods themselves, does convert partially to the isoflavone daidzein.
Synthetic ipriflavone is used in some parts of the world (namely Europe and Japan), more as a pharmaceutical drug for the treatment of osteoporosis than as a natural health product.
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