Business & Finance Careers & Employment

2008 Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)

Below are the rates of tax-free housing allowance (Basic Allowance for Housing, or BAH) that are provided to officers (with dependents) who are authorized to reside off base at government expense in the state of ALASKA , for calendar year 2008.

In calendar year 2004, service members living "on the economy" paid an average of 3.5 percent of the housing costs out-of-pocket. That percentage dropped to zero in calendar year 2005, and has remained at zero ever since.

Housing allowance rates are based upon rank, location, and whether or not a member has dependents.

The Department of Defense (DOD) employs Runzheimer International to collect the nation-wide housing cost data that they use to compute BAH. Additionally, DOD obtains current data from multiple sources, employing a "checks and balances" approach to ensure reliability and accuracy. Current residential vacancies, identified in local newspapers and real estate rental listings, are an important source of data. Vacancies are selected at random, and subjected to a screening process. Telephone interviews establish the availability and exact location of each unit sampled. DOD has designed the sample to obtain a statistical confidence level of 95% or higher. DOD also contacts apartment and real estate management companies to identify units for rental pricing. It is not uncommon for DOD to consult real estate professionals in a locality to obtain confirmation and additional sources of data. Where available, DOD contacts fort/post/base housing referral offices, to tap local military expertise and gain insights into the local concerns of military.

Finally, DoD and the Services conduct on-site evaluations at various locations to confirm and ensure reliability and accuracy of the cost data.

For localities in the state of ALASKA not shown on the chart below, see the DOD BAH Database.

2008 ALASKA BAH Rates:

2008 BAH
KETCHIKAN, AK1846189919901748179719042094222722492272
SITKA, AK1961201220991867191420182198232523482372
JUNEAU, AK2091213422242012205221382328246224872511
KODIAK ISLAND, AK1839190920031709177419172108224222652287
ANCHORAGE, AK1816189620211669174319052161234123642388
FAIRBANKS, AK1891194620581790184119522187235223762399

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