The most common form of inflammatory arthritis in men over the age of 40 is gout.
Approximately three times more men are affected with gout than women.
During the last 40 years, there has been a vast increase of newly diagnosed cases.
Gout has been a way of life for some individuals since ancient times.
It used to be referred to as "the disease of the kings".
This is because it was generally associated with a rich diet.
However, in actual fact, there are various factors that can lead to this disease, and diet is part of this larger picture.
A great deal of pain can come with gout, which is caused by inflammation.
This occurs when needle-like crystals are deposited in the joint tissues or in the fluid that cushions the joints.
These crystals are made up of uric acid, which is a substance that is produced when the body breaks down the purines that are situated in the tissue and many foods that we eat on an almost daily basis.
Most uric acid travels through the bloodstreams to the kidneys.
The kidneys then get rid of the uric acid in the urine.
However, if too much uric acid is produced by the body, or if the kidneys are unable to dispose of enough of it, it can build up in the blood.
This condition is referred to as hyperuricemia which can lead to attacks of gout.
Gout has four different stages.
These stages include Asymptomatic, Acute, Interval, and Chronic Tophaceous.
If any of those stages are left untreated, results can be dangerous.
They also give different levels of pain, from discomfort to extreme pain and complete body immobility.
Gout attacks typically begin without warning, and bring with them symptoms of redness, severe pain, tenderness, warmth, and swelling in the large joint of the big toe.
It is also possible for the ankles, heels, instep, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows to be affected by this disease.
The hips, shoulders, or spine are rarely affected.
It is general practice for the attack to subside after 3 to 10 days, and another attack may not be experienced for months or even years.
However, gout attacks do tend to become more serious over a period of time.
They generally last longer and affect more than one joint.
Attacks may also occur more frequently.
It is possible for individuals to experience gout after an illness or even surgery.
This disease can also appear in the first instance as nodules on the hands or ears.
Eventual joint damage can occur with the severity of gout, which ultimately can lead to disability.
Nevertheless, if the correct treatment is received by gout patients, many will find that they can control the symptoms.
There are various medications available for treating gout and these will ease the painful attacks and prevent future attacks.
Long term damage to the joints and related disability can also be prevented with medication.
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