Consumers who are struggling with high-interest credit card and other unsecured debt must undoubtedly find the advertising claims that are made by the debt settlement companies to be very difficult to ignore. The results of specific settlement cases can indeed be quite startling, and no doubt especially so for anyone who is in need of a solution to their own debt problem. The problem is that debt settlement advertising only tells part of the story, and the part that is being left out is quite unsettling to say the least. To begin with, consumers who use debt settlement services will always sustain significant damage to their credit. That includes the ones whose seemingly amazing settlement results are used in advertising. The reason for this credit damage, a crucial detail that is conveniently omitted, is because the debt settlement process requires consumers to stop making any more payments at all to their creditors until a settlement has been reached with them. And of course, the creditors will report the borrower's missed payments to the credit reporting agencies. And there are other very serious problems that can arise as a result of the debt settlement process, among them wage garnishments, judgements and having the accounts sent to collection.
So what is a better solution for consumers with a serious unsecured debt problem? It is certainly worth their time to investigate the benefits of credit counseling as a superior debt relief alternative. Consumers who use credit counseling will be able to take advantage of a number of excellent debt relief benefits, such as reduced interest rates and payoff schedules that are just 5 years or less, to name just two. And as they progress along their accelerated debt-free timelines, they won't need to concern themselves with any possible credit score damage that comes as a result of the process. And for consumers who are behind on some of their payments, they will be pleased to discover that credit counseling will also afford them relief from collection phone calls, which very likely are disrupting any sense of serenity that they once possessed. So speak with a debt professional today about your debt situation, and find out exactly how credit counseling can help you to regain control of your finances and your life.