I know you are getting tired of the humiliation and embarrassment that comes with premature ejaculation but if you really want to stop premature ejaculation, there are a couple of things I would not recommend you do...
or should I say NOT do.
You see, the companies out there manufacturing these "miracle" products are making a killing by selling hyped-up products to men who are desperate to try anything and they are promising to solve the premature ejaculation problem but what they don't tell you is that they come with a cost...
of some kind.
Let's take a look at two such products...
Antidepressants This is one that kind of makes me laugh.
You will understand in a minute but antidepressants are given to people who are depressed.
A side effect of antidepressants is that they tend to make men last longer during sex.
It takes men longer to ejaculate.
Sounds good, right? Wrong! Another side effect of antidepressants is that they make it so that men lose the urge to have sex.
In other words, they take away the desire to have sex.
Okay, I'm no brain surgeon here but, what the heck good is being able to last longer in bed if I don't want to have sex in the first place? And secondly, why would anyone take antidepressants if they are not depressed? Doesn't that sound dangerous? Herbal Remedies This is another area that I see as a hoax.
This may just be my personal opinion but I see herbal remedies advertised for healing anything under the sun.
I also know that the manufacturers of herbs are not regulated by the FDA.
While this may be good in one way, it is bad in the other.
You see, if herbal manufacturers are not regulated, they can put ingredients into their products that we don't know about.
On top of that, there is no "outside" testing of the products to back up the claims made by the manufacturer.
Any suggestions of the healing power done by the herbs are based on testing by the manufacturer of the herbs.
Couldn't they make some of the claims up? Yes they can.
Summary I would really be careful if you plan on using antidepressants or herbal remedies.
Antidepressants make absolutely no sense to me and herbal remedies, in my opinion, seems like a way for someone to make some serious money off of folks who don't know any better.
I mean really, if they had a product that worked that well, wouldn't the FDA approve it?Use your common sense is all I'm saying.
When it comes to finding a way to stop premature ejaculation, I suggest purchasing a 'proven' ejaculatory control training system.
It takes a little time and daily work but it will work and it will put an end to premature ejaculation once and for all.
It will provide exercises, strategies, techniques, and various positions to help you end your problem.
The best part...
A reputable training system will always have a money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose and yo
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