- Many different methods are used to control traffic patterns.Traffic lights image by Andrew Breeden from Fotolia.com
Traffic calming strategies are used by communities to improve quality life by helping to reduce the number of cars in a neighborhood, slow down driving speeds and change driving patterns. Overall, these strategies can help make the roads safer for drivers and for pedestrians and bicyclists as well. - Speed humps are raised, rounded sections used on many type of roads throughout the country. Speed humps help control traffic by forcing drivers to slow their speed before driving over the obstacle. These types of humps are used in areas where a slow driving speed is desired, such as a residential area. A series of these humps can be placed back to back to prevent drivers from speeding away after driving over them. Speed humps differ from speed bumps because they are often used on actual roadways instead of just parking lots areas. One critique of using speed humps is that their placement can affect the response time of emergency vehicles. To counter this problem, speed humps may not be used on the primary routes used by response teams.
- Raised intersections are flat, raised areas that cover an entire intersection. Each entrance has a ramp onto the pavement that is even with the sidewalk. Raised intersections help control traffic for not only drivers but pedestrians and bicyclists as well. The raised portions of the road require the drivers to slow down before entering and exiting the ramps. The raised intersection also helps designate the crosswalk area for pedestrians and bikers. Raised intersections also help calm multiple streets at once as they cover all the roads that create the intersection. This form of traffic calming strategy is used for both residential and business areas.
- Forced turn locations are sections of roadways that force drivers in those lanes to turn in a particular direction. These areas are used to help keep the flow of traffic moving in one direction and restrict possible erratic movement or drivers making last-minute decisions. Forced turn locations are often used to connect local streets to main streets where traffic volume can be a problem. These locations are also equipped with traffic lights for full control of traffic flow. The combination of traffic lights and the barrier barring some movements force drivers to follow a set traffic pattern. The deployment of police officers within the area can also deter the drivers who would make illegal movements around the barriers.
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