Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Exercises to Flatten Your Stomach Fast


    • Walk the plank on a regular basis and see your belly begin to take a firmer shape. Plank exercises are a great way to work on the stomach and have the added benefit of strengthening your back muscles as well. This exercise requires four repetitions at 1 minute each with a 20-second break in between.
      Get in a push-up position but place your elbows on the floor with your forearms resting on the ground pointing in the same direction as your head. Slightly bend your knees and hold your body perfectly still, like a plank. As your strength builds, vary this by planking on one leg and then another. Give your elbows some padding by placing a folded towel underneath them.

    Bicycle Crunches

    • Introduce yourself to your rectus abdominus with bicycle crunches. This muscle group is responsible for the six-pack look. Bicycle crunches work these muscles almost exclusively and are another appropriate way to gain tummy fitness. Work your way up to 4 sets of 30 reps each.
      Lie down on a gym mat or towel and gently press your lower back into the floor. Place your hands behind your head but don't lock them. As if riding a bicycle, slowly bend the left leg and bring it towards your chest at a 45-degree angle. As you do this, bring your right arm to the knee. As your right knee comes up, bring your left elbow to that knee.

    Vertical Leg Crunches

    • Work both your obliques and the rectus abdominus muscles with vertical leg crunches. This is a good all-around exercise and works the obliques, both internal and external, which are located on either side of the rectus abdominus. Start with 4 sets of 12 and work your way up to 20 reps.
      Begin by lying down on a gym mat or soft rug and raise your legs vertically with your knees slightly bent. Place your hands behind your head but don't lock your fingers. Slowly contract your abdominal muscles until your shoulder blades leave the ground. Work slowly and lead with your chin up---don't pull on your head or neck with the hands.

    Time Frame

    • Give yourself time to see results. Perform these exercises three days a week to start and gradually work up to exercising every other day. Do your best to maintain a low-fat diet. Give yourself 6 to 12 weeks to see results.

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