- By three months of age, infants who are born full-term should be able to smile, coo, react to loud sounds, recognize a parent's voice and vary their cry depending on a specific need. By six months, babies will look in the direction of sound, express their temperament with their voice, babble, make gurgling sounds and respond to toys that make noise. By twelve months, babies will say a few words, try to imitate adults and understand simple instructions.
- Babies who are born prematurely may not develop their language skills as early as babies who are born full-term. Babies who are ill or require long stays in the hospital lack the benefit of consistently interacting with adults. Language development can be hindered due to genetics, temperament, hearing loss, personality or a baby's unique style of learning. Delays can also occur in babies who go through certain medical procedures, such as a tracheotomy.
- Early warning signs can help signal language developmental delays. Look out for babies who do not make eye contact with adults, would rather stare at objects than interact with others, play with toys or smile. These children can act out violently or aggressively and become easily frustrated. Children should make noises or gestures to express themselves, should be able to understand what others are saying to them and seek out love from caregivers.
- Babies who are thought to have a developmental language delay should be brought for screening, and, depending on results, for further evaluation. Screening is a relatively quick process and usually involves a parent or caregiver milestone questionnaire, or a test given to baby by a health or educational professional. If screening tests indicate a risk for delay, children are evaluated by a professional, such as a psychologist. Evaluators measure children in all areas of development; early intervention or treatment plans will result if necessary.
- Parents and caregivers can promote language development in babies. Babies learn best by interaction and imitation. Adults can read and sing to babies often. Adults should talk to babies regularly throughout the day so that they can become familiar with speech patterns and voice fluctuations. They can include children in conversation and ask them questions. Teaching baby sign language to children can help ease frustration and open the doors to communication.
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