Research has indicated that it is a complex interaction among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle-related risk factors, which leads to high blood pressure.
The primary factors of high blood pressure are poorly balanced and improper diet which are high in calories, salt, fat and low in protein and heart-protective nutrients, smoking, alcohol abuse, obesity, stress, toxins and medications.
The number one lifestyle factor linked to high blood pressure is obesity.
It has been proven that increase in blood pressure is directly proportional to an increase in weight.
The second major factor resulting in high blood pressure is smoking.
Smoking just 1 stick can actually cause ones blood pressure to climb up by tens points or more.
The reason for this is because nicotine found in cigarettes causes the blood vessels to constrict resulting in the heart working extra hard to pump through the vessels.
The carbon monoxide from the smoke also reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood.
Over a long period of time, the reduction of oxygen levels causes the blood to clot and the development of plaque.
Stress and its activation of the sympathetic nervous systems play an extremely important role in creating high blood pressure.
Emotions can influence the heart rate by triggering hormones that can affect the rate at which electrical impulses are discharge.
Research has shown that lifestyle changes can reduce excess levels of a potentially harmful chemical that increase stress.
Apart from the lifestyle factors and underlying health problems that can contribute to high blood pressure, there are also some racial groups who are more likely to develop high blood pressure.
Hypertension also affects different gender group differently.
It has been found that men tend to develop high blood pressure earlier than women.
However, more women die from heart disease each year.
Aging also puts one at a greater risk to hypertension.
Blood pressure naturally goes up, as one grows older.
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