Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

Cash From iPhones & iPods (How to Sell on eBay)

First of all you probably don't believe me when I say you can actually charge MORE than what you paid for for your iPhone (this does NOT apply to your iPod touch) but it's true.
There is an enormous market for for unlocked iPhones and iPhones that aren't tied to an AT&T contract.
Don't believe me? Well you shouldn't take me at my word for it! Let's say you have a 3G 16GB iPhone and want to upgrade to the new iPhone 3GS but you can't get AT&T to agree to an early upgrade.
Take a look at what your particular model of iPhone is selling for on eBay right now by doing a quick search on ebay.
Select the 'watch auction' button and see how much a few iPhones & iPod touches are going for.
I recently sold my iPhone for $400 (and I only paid $199 with a 2yr contract over a year ago).
If you look at the listings on eBay you'll see that the auctions are all over the place and that it doesn't seem to make any sense.
Why does the same phone go for $300-$400+? The answer isn't as obvious as it seems but if you want to effectively sell your iPhone follow these rules and you can NOT go wrong: 1) Take a lot of pictures of your iPhone or iPod touch.
Make sure your surrounds are well lit and there isn't any clutter or obstructions in the way.
2) If you have the original packaging - make sure you include this in the picture.
Customers LOVE to see the original packing.
They get the feeling that you've been a thoughtful and careful owner who has taken care of his belongings.
3) If you have access to a video camera then quickly video tape your iPhone turning on and making a phone call.
You can publish this video to YouTube for free and link to it within your posting.
4) List your auction on a Thursday and make sure it ends on Sunday night.
I've found these are the best times to do so.
5) List the start price at $0.
iPhone & iPod touches ALWAYS sell on eBay.
Let the market do it's magic.
The last thing you can do to market your iPhone or iPod touch more effectively on the Internet is to run the Jailbreak/Unlock software against it.
This is something I only advise computer savvy people to try out and if you want to see how it works check out this blog post at http://www.
If you don't feel comfortable selling on eBay or want to deal with an auction another way of getting premium dollars for your iPhone & iPod touch is to list it on Craigslist ( http://www.
The same rules apply but you're obviously not dealing with an auction.

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