There are ways to deter and repel pests without risking the health of your children or pets.
This is ideal for those looking for a humane and environmentally friendly way to keep their home or business pest free.
Advantages of Electronic Pest Control: 1.
It works silently 2.
No problem with pets (other than rodents) 3.
Non-Toxic 4.
Humane 5.
Safe for children and pets 6.
Continual protection 7.
Environmentally friendly However there is still some scientific dispute as to the effectiveness of these devices so check carefully the reputation of the company you are buying from and ensure they have money back guarantees.
Ultrasonic Pest Control Ultrasonic pest control devices are used to prevent pests such as rats from entering your home or business.
How it works:
- These devices produce ultrasonic sound waves that cause discomfort to rodents and insects which then keep away from the property
- The sound waves are practically inaudible to humans
- Your home or office continually repels pests
Ions are electrically charged atoms common in the atmosphere.
How it works:
- Streams of negative ions are pumped into the air
- Pollutants, bacteria and dust mites are pulled from the atmosphere
- Negative ions ward off rodents and insects as they become confused and frightened
- Negative ions are normally produced during a storm
- Utilises existing wiring within your walls to scare away pests
- Normal frequency signals travelling through your walls are changed to a pulsating vibration only small pests can detect
- Tiny vibrations disturb insects
- Shifting frequency irritates the rodents nervous system
- Turn your whole house into a giant pest repeller
Choose a reputable supplier who can offer testing data and money back guarantees if not satisfied.
Visit the popular website Pest Exterminate Now to discover easy pest control tips for your home.
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