The optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy after PCI with drug eluting stents is still in question. This study compares the efficacy and safety of three different regimens.
HPV-positive oropharyngeal carcinomas are on the rise, and primary care physicians are often the first line of defense. Learn how to screen for this serious disease in this review.
Congenital renal arteriovenous malformations are uncommon. How was it diagnosed and treated in this patient who presented with left flank pain and gross hematuria?
A major risk involving ventricular shunts is a predisposition to subdural hematoma development, and treatment can be difficult. How was this patient successfully managed?
The number of people without health insurance continues to grow. What are the trends in lack of health insurance coverage among working-age US adults from 1993-2006? Which populations lack coverage?
GERD, along with its potential complications of Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer, is on the rise, and pathologists play a critical role in determining diagnosis and interventional therapy.