The other day, a socialist and purported higher-learned intellectual was lecturing me on why socialism is far superior to capitalism.
I decided to listen to his arguments just in case there was some minute chance he'd come up with some new argument I haven't heard of before or defeated the prior.
No such luck, same blather and talking points, more rhetoric, more venom and more hyperbole, but alas, no real information.
Now then, to his credit he did use a few different historical cites which I found interesting, mostly because they were indeed things I'd studied myself and knew a good deal about.
Unfortunately, to his argumentative demise he had falsely read that history, cherry picked events and meanings of events and interpreted them into his own context to prove his point.
I found this interesting since he was a somewhat well-known professor at his college, even if he made it a point to correct me and tell me it wasn't a college it was a UNIVERSITY! Okay, sorry to insult his academic manhood.
He asked if I had a degree and I told him I had to leave school to run my company and didn't much go for the brainwashing - he felt this was his opportunity to school me, talk down to me, and claim intellectual rank.
Seriously, I mean this guy couldn't think out of his own box, he might have known a lot of things, no not as much as me, but a good deal of academic stuff, miscellaneous trivia, and esoteric references, most of which I was at least vaguely acquainted with, but I surely wasn't impressed with his ability to think, reason, adapt or judge the real world - that world outside of academic la la land.
Sorry if I offended you my reader, but if I did; please buy a mirror and look into it twice daily.
Back to my point here, when I made my case for "Free Market Capitalism" I explained my experiences, observations, and business model, how I'd franchised my business across the country and what I'd learned.
He told me that I was wrong and he had facts, and then he told me what those facts meant.
Interesting, because roughly speaking around his factual rounding errors, we agreed on most of his so-called cherry picked facts, but he interpreted them all wrong, you see he had no reference, no experience, and virtually no knowledge of what the hell he was talking about.
Apparently, he was so proud of his 30-year old PhD that he didn't realize that I'd spent not 2-4 years studying a specific topic to get a PhD, but I'd spent 17-hours a day for 24 years living, breathing and working my business every waking hour with no days off participating in the free market system (as close to that as our economy was at the time) and he still tried to pull rank over my domain.
Wow, the academic elite and their arrogance is beyond comprehension.
Where are my 6 PhD notations, for all my hard work, study, and actually doing it, in the free market economy? I've spent more time, more thought, more study, more research and then applied it in the real world.
Yes, I was monetarily compensated, which I deserve, but for someone to dismiss my observations, experience, knowledge and tell me that they have facts, and all I have is opinions is simply illogical.
Dear Professors of the world - I challenge you, get off your pedestals and out of your ivory towers, and that academic bubble you are building with my tax dollars and see for yourself - otherwise you can take your socialist mindset and contrived interpretation of your data and all the economic modeling you can muster and put it where the Sun doesn't shine.
Thanks for your time.
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