- 1). You will need to have sufficient funds in your account to cover the amount of the check, plus any fee, if you are getting the check from the bank where you have your savings or checking account.
- 2). Speak to any teller to start the process. You will not be able to get a cashier's check at the drive through. Have your account information ready so they can verify that you have an account with them. You may also need to show identification, such as your driver's license.
- 3). You will need to give the teller the exact name that the check is to be made out to along with the amount. The teller will draft the check for the amount you've specified, sign it and give you the check.
- 4). If you do not have an account at that bank, you will need to determine if they will issue you a cashier's check. If they will, then you need to present the cash for the amount of the check, along with enough money to cover the bank's fee, and the name of the payee. The teller will then issue you the check.
- 5). Retain the portion of the check that notes who the check was written to, along with the amount, for your records. The signed portion is for the payee.