Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Pros and Cons of Breast Augmentation Options

There has been much advancement today in the world of breast augmentation and top plastic surgeons can offer you several options.
The most common breast implants are saline and silicone.
If you are considering only modest breast augmentation, you may wish to consider breast augmentation fat transfer.
Top plastic surgeons will be familiar with each of these options.
Saline implants are a silicone shell filled with a saline solution after implantation.
Some advantages of using saline implants for breast augmentation are: * Because saline implants are implanted unfilled, the incision sites and scars are small.
* Saline implants can often be adjusted after surgery by using a syringe to take out or add more liquid.
* If a saline implant ruptures, the saline is absorbed harmlessly by the body.
* Saline implants come in many different sizes and shapes.
* Using saline implants for breast augmentation is considerably less expensive than silicone implants.
There are some disadvantages to choosing saline for breast augmentation, though you should know top plastic surgeons have found ways to overcome these potential problems.
Still, it's a good idea to be aware of the following when considering breast augmentation: * Some women complain that silicone implants have a "water balloon" feel to them * Saline implants sometimes show rippling or wrinkling under the skin, especially in a thin skinned person * They are sometimes visible when a person has very little natural breast tissue Silicone implants are pre-filled with silicone before implantation.
The use of silicone implants for breast augmentation has been the subject of much discussion in the field of breast augmentation.
Top plastic surgeons will be ready to address and concerns you may have about them.
Here are some of the reasons some women choose silicone implanted by top plastic surgeons for breast augmentation: * Silicone implants come in many sizes and profiles.
They are generally smoother and softer than saline implants and feel more natural.
* They tend to look more natural in women who don't have much natural breast tissue.
* They don't ripple or wrinkle like saline implants occasionally do.
Using top plastic surgeons can minimize risks, but, like saline, silicone implants do come with possible negative attributes, such as the following: * If a silicone implant ruptures, it leaks out slowly.
Sometimes, this isn't noticed immediately.
* Silicone implants need a larger incision than saline for breast augmentation.
* They are more expensive than saline implants.
* Their safety has been debated in the past, though their use is currently approved by the FDA and the safety concerns have been addressed.
Breast augmentation fat transfer is a method recently employed with greater success than before by top plastic surgeons.
It involves using fat from the patient's own body and redistributing it into the breast.
Some of the advantages are: * There is no need to add foreign matter to the body so allergic reactions are rare.
* They feel natural.
* It is easier to shape the breasts than it is when using implants.
Some of the drawbacks of using this procedure are: * Some of the fat tissue implanted may die, leaving the breast lumpy.
* Only a modest breast augmentation can be achieved.
* Recovery takes a little longer, since surgery is performed on two parts of the body.
* It can be a very expensive procedure.
All options should be discussed with top plastic surgeons before you choose which is best for you.
Any of the top plastic surgeons will be able to offer these options for breast augmentation and be able to answer any questions you may have.

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