There are many ways to grow a business, so how does a business owner choose? With the many ways to market your business on the internet your time may be spread to thinly over many marketing methods and thus have no effect at all.
Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself when growing your business online: 1.
How can I reach my customers quickly and efficiently? 2.
How can my customers reach ME quickly and efficiently? A great solution to these questions is Twitter.
Here is why: Twitter gives you the ability to reach out to individuals or groups of customers, on the fly from your office or in your car on your way to the beach.
Here is an example: Say you sell ebooks on gardening.
Sales are a little flat this month.
So you, being the business owner you are decide to give your Twitter list a special one time offer of 50% off your latest eBook on organic gardening if they click on your link in the message.
(Sounds a little like email marketing right).
Here is why Twitter is great: Your twitter efforts are paying off and your selling eBooks like hot cakes! (yipppeeee!) Now with every order you make you publicly thank the person that bought your latest eBook and use twitter to do it.
Its great because the people that bought now feel great because they are appreciated by you in public.
(Think of graduating from high school).
And the people that didn't buy feel great because they now know you care about your customers, which makes them want to buy and they will tell you they want to buy.
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