Business & Finance Stocks-Mutual-Funds

3 High Tech Unique Fundraising Ideas

It seems like organizations these days are searching for new and unique fundraising ideas.
Instead of cookies, old candies, candles or calendars to make earn much needed money, why not consider some new and interesting high tech ideas.
Your organization can make money and promote their cause at the same time.
If people in your organization possess specific knowledge or skills, you might be smart to start a blog or web site, or even write for current sites that share revenue such as Hubpages.
Many web hosting companies allow one click installation of Wordpress which makes blogging really easy, even for people are otherwise not technically inclined.
Use programs like Google AdSense to make money from your blog.
This generates a constant revenue stream which can be funneled back into your organization.
T Shirts last a long time, they are practical and they can help promote your organization.
Additionally, many sites offer affiliate style programs where you can forward prospective buyers directly to the site without having to carry any inventory.
You can select from designs that the company offers or design your own batch of t shirts that cater to your specific members.
Each sale will earn cash for your organization.
Create a mini mall on your organization's web site and promote it.
Use affiliate programs like the one Amazon offers to create a shopping experience that is suited to your membership.
If you are a school, for example, have specials sections for books, parent related items or other educational related items.
Send out monthly reminders and extra promotions during the holiday season to help boost commissions.
Are you worried that these high tech ways to make money are hard to implement? They're not.
They only take a little time to put together.
Look around for volunteers who have some experience with web sites or high school students who are taking computer classes.
You'd be surprised how many people know how to blog these days and who could easily help implement online fundraising.

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