Business & Finance Shopping

Friends Trivia Game - Remember Everything About The Most Fun Sidcom Ever Made

Trivia is a good way to learn the basics of a certain domain, like history, geography or television and it is probably one of the catchiest games out there. One of the appreciated features of this game is that it allows you to find out even the most insignificant aspects of a field of expertise and combine your passion for such a field with your desire to find out more. The best example of such a game is the Friends Trivia game.

The Friends Trivia game is a hilarious board game with tons of Friends Trivia questions. The series of Friends continued for ten years so there is a lot to discover and remember. Answering questions correctly gets you to score and move across the board but also it will bring you lot of memories of hilarious scenes that you and your friends will laugh about.

The Friends Trivia board game design makes the game really interesting: the questions are guided with small clips of scenes, audio samples or pictures. Small example: you are playing the Friends Trivia game, you pick up a question and there is photo of one of the Ross's girlfriends. Now, remember who she was and how they broke up... Another interesting feature of the Friends Trivia board game is that it will always offer you some sort of explanation for the hardest questions that you have to answer.

You can play this entertaining board game with four other people and have a really fun night. What is also fun about this game is that you actually have a Friends related background for keeping the score and declaring the winner, that is whenever you give a correct answer you light up a window in an apartment building and the first one to light up all the windows wins. The Friends Trivia game can be also played by only one player, so if you feel like staying home on your own during one of those long winter evenings and have some fun, go ahead and play.

Whether you are new to the Friends show or you have seen all ten seasons a couple of times, you have the option of choosing the difficulty of the questions. You also have the options to choose to have questions about a certain character of the show, a certain season or episode, the special guests that were around at some point and, of course, the quotes. Therefore, if you enjoy Trivia and you simply cannot get enough of the Friends show, then the Friends Trivia game is what you are looking for.

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