No parent likes to feel like a nag. The constant battle over what, when and how much screen time kids should be allowed is just as much of a drag for parents as it is for kids. But, teaching kids to limit and monitor their own screen time not only helps them avoid wasting time and seeing or hearing content they shouldn't, it also helps them learn important life skills like self discipline and setting appropriate limits.
Here are some fun ways to help kids learn the importance of wise limits on screen time.
- Tokens for TV Time: Allow kids a certain number of tokens at the beginning of each week. Each token represents a half hour of TV or other screen time, and once their tokens are gone, no more screen time for the week. This system not only limits how much TV and video games kids will consume for the week, but it also allows them to learn how to "spend" their time wisely. If they are dying to see that football game on Saturday, but they are out of tokens, it's a great lesson to teach them to plan and practice delaying gratification the next week.
We all have to tell ourselves no on a regular basis, and learning to have that discipline at a young age will give kids a huge advantage as they get older. To make the "game" even more interesting, make kids earn the tokens by doing chores, completing homework or exercising. - Trade Hours of Exercise for Screen Time: Help kids log their exercise time, and give them an equal amount of screen time per day. This trade-off is a powerful object lesson for kids. They will be able to see just how much energy they have to expend in order to earn an hour of being a couch potato. Exercise is fun for kids--count anything from a dance party to running through a creative obstacle course in the back yard. And be careful not to treat it as a punishment or a negative activity. Encourage them to be creative have a good time. Talk with kids about how much better it is to do something than just to sit and watch others do it, or pretend to do it as a character in a video game.
- Read for Your Screen Time: Match reading time for screen time. Like the exercise idea, you don't want to make reading seem like a punishment. Explain that many TV shows, movies and video games were born out of stories from books. Let kids in on the secret that reading the book is almost always more exciting and detailed than watching TV or playing a video game. Encourage kids to compare books with related TV shows or movies, and get caught up in a good story with your kids so they see your love of reading as they enjoy spending time with you.
- Screen Free Day: Set aside one day a week, or a certain time period each day, that is designated "screen free" time. On Screen Free day, encourage kids to be creators instead of consumers. Talk about the opportunity cost they incur when they sit and watch TV of play a video game. What kind of things can they accomplish in an hour that they wouldn't have if they had been watching TV?
What can kids do on screen free day?--Create an art project, go on a nature walk, play a game as a family, learn a new skill... Help kids realize that being active and creative brings great satisfaction and empowers them to be better and do more. - Kids Rule: Allow kids to have a say in your family's screen time rules and limits. If kids are allowed to help make the rules, they will be invested in them and have a greater desire to follow them. Being a part of the process of hammering out rules for screen time helps kids learn how to evaluate a situation, make a plan and stick to it. Kids love to be independent, and they love feeling like they're in charge even more. Give them the power and see what they come up with. They might surprise you by being even more strict with TV time than you would have been.
More on helping kids develop healthy media habits: