Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How to Use the Cryo Tank in "SCCT"


    • 1). Ensure that you and your partner have retrieved both the Viral Protocol and the blood samples. The Viral Protocol and the blood samples are necessary to mix the virus. One player must take the "O" blood sample and the other player must take the "A" and "B" blood samples.

    • 2). Open your notes and read the Viral Protocol. The Viral Protocol contain the order in which you and your partner must mix the base components of the virus. The mixing sequence varies from game to game. Memorize the mixing sequence for the virus, then close your notes and proceed to the Cryogenic Chamber.

    • 3). Observe that the Cryogenic Chamber is divided into two chambers, the "A" chamber and the "B" chamber. Enter chamber "A" and have your partner enter chamber "B." Press the "Use Cryo" button and three colored vials will appear in each chamber. Vials "A," "B" and "C" will appear in chamber "A" while vials "D," "E" and "F" will appear in chamber "B."

    • 4). Mix the virus components in the sequence described in the Virus Protocol. Select and activate the vial indicated in the first step of the mixing sequence, then have your partner select and activate the vial indicated in the second step of the mixing sequence. You must then activate the vial indicated in the third step and your partner must then activate the vial indicated in the fourth step, with both you and your partner mixing the virus in a back-and-forth manner. You and your partner must mix the vials nearly simultaneously to properly mix the virus, and failing to mix the virus properly will damage both you and your partner.

    • 5). Continue the back-and-forth mixing sequence until Lambert comments on your progress. The virus is complete and can be retrieved later in the mission.

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