Alliterative Absurdities
If you caught a captious curate killing kippers for the cook,
In the cloisters with a club yclept1 a cleek2,
Would you say he was as wily
As a cunning crocodily
Catching cockles with a corkscrew in a creek?
If you beheld a battleboat bombarding Biscay Bay
While the big guns bellowed bold from brazen throat,
Would you say it was as funny
As a bouncing blue-backed bunny
Blowing bubbles with a bobby in a boat?
If you saw a driveling dreamer drowning ducklings in a ditch,
And deducting data dry as dust to see,
Would you say that this death-dealer
Was of ducks and drakes a stealer,
Or of Darwin's dead ideas a devotee?
1 An old-fashioned word meaning "called" or "named"
2 A hook or golf club
See also: Complimentary of Chess: A 19th-Century Exercise in Alliteration